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You will find below some of the ways we actively serve each other and our community and you are WELCOME to participate. 

Contact the church office for details, or some ministries have their own Facebook page or website link.

Prayer Line


This email service helps First Reformed members and friends stay up to date on the prayer concerns of their brothers and sisters.

New Beginnings Church



We believe that we can be a place where the unchurched have a second chance and for people to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. New Beginnings Church will be a place where people can feel accepted, loved and have a place to call home. A place where they will be introduced to Jesus, expected to learn, to grow, to serve and to multiply.



REACH- We value going out into the community to reach the non-believers and second and third generation English speaking Latino’s who are lost, broken, and hopeless to share the love of Christ.


RELATE -We value being intentional at building relationships with unchurched people accepting them right where they are at with no judgement growing in Christ together as a family.


REDEEM -We value the living word of God that teaches, corrects and gives life. We value knowing there is nothing that we can do to save ourselves and that Jesus paid the price in full, and it is the work of the Holy Spirit that transforms hard hearts.

Knitting Ministry​


First Church has an active knitting ministry. Knitters (and crocheters too) can use their skills in two ways: the Healing Shawl ministry and the Mitten Tree. The healing shawls each take three skeins, supplied by donation or crafters can purchase their own. There is a standard pattern available or other patterns can be found in a book in the church library. Healing shawls are distributed to those who are hospitalized or home bound with illness.


For the Mitten Tree, mittens are knitted, then gathered throughout the year and displayed on a magnificent tree form for the holidays. The mittens are distributed around the area to those individuals and families in need.

Kids Hope USA


Kids Hope USA is a school-based mentoring program that focuses on elementary-age children. Kids Hope mentors use one hour a week to build a relationship focused on the child's emotional, social and academic needs. The result: changes in attitude, behavior, and academic performance.


One child, one hour is the heart of Kids Hope USA. One caring adult mentoring for one hour each week can make a  huge impact on a child. When kids feel like they belong, they are better able to learn, grow, and succeed.


First Reformed Church has been a part of this amazing ministry since 1997 and will continue to build caring relationships in the future. One child. One hour. One church. One school.

Shalom Group


A mental health support group that meets every second and fourth Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the main floor conference room.  The purpose of the group is to offer care, support, and prayer as we seek to re-discover hope and live faithfully in the midst of challenging circumstances. All are welcome!

Prime Time


Are you looking for a group for senior adults to connect with at FRC?  Then PRIME TIME is for you!  We plan fun fellowship events and would love to have you join us!  Watch the bulletin and the Chimes for sign up information as events happen.

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First Reformed Church

Always a Welcome Home.


630 State Street, Holland, Michigan 49423




Sunday: 9:30 AM

© 2020 First Reformed Church of Holland, MI.

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